We are here to help.

What We Can Do to Help You.


Food Insecurity

The JCR Food Insecurity Team, with the help of our community partners, packs and delivers around 150 family-sized grocery bags to the surrounding Jackson community allowing us to play a small part in helping to relieve food insecurity for the many disadvantaged communities in the greater Jackson area. Packing happens on Wednesdays of each month. Our grocery packages include items such as dry pasta, noodles, and rice, preservable cans of beans and vegetables, as well fresh vegetables from local farms.

The food insecurity team was originally created at the beginning of the Coronavirus pandemic to provide emergency supplies to those who lost their jobs or were unable to leave their homes. It is the backbone of JCR, exemplifying our mission to empower the Jackson community.


Health Disparity

This team works to help decrease the differences in health among our community. They strive to educate and provide resources so that all of those living in central Mississippi will have equal and fair access to health care! Some of our recent highlights include educational events focused on high school women’s health, preventive health, and elementary school dental heath.

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Elder Care

The “Adopt-an-Elder” program pairs friendly volunteers with a senior neighbor to whom they provide a variety of services, such as grocery and medication delivery, or even a weekly phone call just to check in.

This year we are excited to host a Fall Social and Spring Social event to celebrate our volunteers and elders. Additionally, we are planning a fuzzy sock and blanket drive to bring some warmth, both literally and metaphorically, to our elders during the holidays. More details to come for these exciting events as the dates get closer!

Community Fitness

Through our Community Fitness program, we work to build community and get active so that kids, adults, and everyone in between can learn a variety of ways to stay healthy and fit. We focus on educating community members on healthy eating habits and maintaining an active lifestyle through exercise.


Relief Kits

This team was originally dedicated to making Covid Care Kits during the COVID-19 pandemic. These kits included all the pandemic necessities such as masks, hand sanitizer, cleaning supplies, and MUCH more! More recently, this team is shifting towards making a variety of kits to meet acute needs across multiple demographics in our community. Some examples include Women’s health kits, Homeless assistance kits, Elementary school readiness kits, and Infant and elder care kits.


Donate Financially

Items needed

  • Hand sanitizer

  • Paper towels

  • Toilet paper

  • Hand Soap

  • Disinfectant spray

To donate items, please E-mail jacksoncommunitycovidresponse@gmail.com 

Great new Idea?

Email: felicitaslkoller@gmail.com