Michelle H

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As business administrator at the Capitol City Boys and Girls Club, Michelle Henry became involved with the Jackson Community COVID-19 Response when that facility became the hub of operations. Michelle’s passion for children and ability to connect with people make her an invaluable part of the team. Initially, her work was on the hotline connecting people who called in with the assistance they needed. Realizing that some people who need help were not calling the hotline, Michelle reached out to the families of Capitol City Boys and Girl’s Club to make sure they knew what was available. As the Vice President of Middle Schools for Jackson Council PTA, she was able to identify and approach JPS teacher assistants who might need assistance.

Recently, she claimed the title “Leader of Fun”. She takes great joy in making sure that volunteers know how much they are appreciated by leading dance parties, making sure everyone has a hot meal, and has all the support they need. 

Michelle is a wife, a mother of six, a member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, and a joy to all who meet her.


Isluv R.


Mandy V.