Sam L

Sam from PAI.jpg

From the onset of the Covid Response Team’s work, Sam Lane has dedicated his time daily to packaging and delivering food to seniors and families in need. Sam has delivered to well over 50 families as a volunteer with the Jackson Community COVID Response .

Sam Lane is a native of the capitol city. After sustaining a traumatic brain injury when his bicycle was struck by a car in Athens, GA, he was in a coma when he returned to Jackson. Methodist Rehab Center provided his initial therapy; Accessible Yoga including breath meditaion, or mindfulness, sustain his recovery. With credits from Millsaps and Ole Miss, he was able to earn his degree from UGA. He has worked as writer, documentary photographer, production designer, and yoga teacher (RYT-200). Before his recent return to Jackson, he lived as a part of Satchitananda Ashram-Yogaville in Virginia. Sam is thankful to be back home and he finds Jackson and its citizens increasingly beautiful everyday.


Chad W and Charles T


Hali P.