The day we went to the M.W. Stringer Grand Lodge…

March 19 at 1:56 AM

I really miss giving people hugs. I am a total hugger. When this pandemic ends I am going to give each of these students and my friends at People’s Advocacy Institute (PAI) the biggest hug I can.

Brass Tacks:
Day 1 we fed 300 people and 99 families
Day 2 795 people 227 families
Day 3 850 people 252 families

The effort has been incredible and people’s generosity has been amazing. We are really trying to meet people’s needs and help them STAY HOME by providing large, shelf-stable food boxes.

I want to share a little bit about the place we worked today. Our Partners at People’s Advocacy Institute arranged for us to work and coordinate delivery at the M.W. Stringer Grand Lodge. An incredible amount of civil rights history occurred here and Ms. Diane as well as our friends at PAI were kind enough to educate us about the work Medgar Evers did here as well as Fannie Lou Hamer. The building is beautiful and immaculate.


We carefully set up the space so that volunteers could easily maintain a 12 foot radius around themselves while they were working. We also screened all shoppers and delivery drivers for symptoms that may suggest active Covid-19. We were fortunate to have ready access to sinks and soap for frequent 20 second hand washing.

The students spent the afternoon working with PAI and I took a nap. When I woke up, dinner was ready-- farm fresh asparagus and fava beans. We then had a “date” and George and I walked around the farm. It was just the rest I needed and it has recharged me to continue working with these students and PAI to flatten the curve in Mississippi. We have some amazing ideas for how to boost the utility and value of foodboxes, partner with local small businesses and also Match the MATCH. Please keep following along--the students NEVER STOP thinking of amazing ways to help. And please, if you are able, donate. If that doesn’t work, then maybe a blood donation to meet that critical need or even just a share of the post. There is always a positive, helpful action that we can take and every positive action matters. See you tomorrow!


In the beginning...