In the beginning...

Thank you to everyone who has supported our efforts! The need in the Jackson Mississippi community was tremendous and we fed over 800 people on donations, intense student effort and partnership with the People’s Advocacy Institute. The students are diligent and work their connections amazingly well--one person approached a local Irish Bar about getting their unused St Patrick’s Day Food. Their resourcefulness and thoughtfulness amaze me and I cannot believe how they are able to leverage technology and think of novel ways to work together to address big challenges. We were joyful when the tri-county schools released their plan to offer grab and go food for students that was supplemented with food boxes.

Our work however has made us acutely aware of the needs of vulnerable members of our community. Our phone dispatchers have taken countless calls from elderly people who are frightened, with good reason, to leave their homes. We hope that we will be able to serve in the Stewpot Ministry and help provide food assistance that allows the elderly to practice social distancing more effectively which is likely their best defense from COVID-19.

We also hope to assist the efforts of the Boy’s and Girl’s Clubs of Jackson who will be making food delivery and generating large food boxes that reduce the number of times the children and their families will need to leave their homes.

COVID-19 has challenged us to think about “how” we help people and made us acutely aware of the need for novel methods of providing assistance and turning over every stone to find the people who need assistance.

And lastly, a photo of one of our most ambitious roommate team that delivered food to over 20 families today!

They are getting quite the education while they are out of school and taking meaningful action to try and deliver large quantities of food to people that will allow them to STAY HOME!


The day Match the Match happened


The day we went to the M.W. Stringer Grand Lodge…